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Chee Bravo

Chee Bravo is a printmaker and multimedia artist, born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Her cumulative approach to her art reflects her traditional beginnings as a printmaker, her graphic design career, and her childhood growing up in the culturally diverse Caribbean islands before emigrating to the U.S. Growing up immersed in the bacchanal of Carnival, a pagan tradition preceding Lent, a Christian practice, is a compelling factor in her imagery, in particular her Performer series. The key to her artmaking involves the use of current technology to initially create digital collages from photographs taken then revert back to the traditional painting or silkscreening media. Her ongoing performer series capture moments of joie de vivre in carefully chosen subjects through form and color. Her journey began with capturing the essence of performers found in the New York subway. This series has grown to include performers from her travels and performers she finds in her hometown Trenton.
Chee Bravo received a 2022 Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.


Artworks Trenton

19 Everett Alley

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